Philipino dish - Putos

As many of you know im a travel junkie- currently stuck in the Pacific Northwest but that doesn't mean I don't "travel"
Actually I have done more "culinary traveling" in this little town over the past 3 years than ever before! Stepping out of the norm, trying new food from exotic places I would have never dreamed of trying (and getting hooked on many of the traditional dishes like Vietnams Pho is now a staple in our house- the little one can eat 2 bowls by herself) thanks to the amazing priests that work in my husbands office... more on that later
But today randomly my hubs brought home a dish called "Putos", the new vicker at St Anne's is from Philipines and brought some to the office, so naturally my husband knowing my passion for travel snuck some for me to try
Puto are popular Filipino steamed rice cakes. I thought they would be sweet yet it seemed odd to have melted cheese on top. It had a hint of sweetness, thats why I am guessing makes them so pupular as a midday snack. They are also used as accompaniaments  to savory dishes such as dinuguan, pancit or sopas (have not tried those yet). Eventhough these were made like cakes I found out reading about the culture that "Traditional puto are made from rice grains soaked in water overnight and processed into a smooth batter. The fermented rice batter is then steamed in banana-lined bamboo platters (bilao) or in individual molds".
Its also popular for  home cooks to have spinned these rice cakes into many delicious varieties by adding extracts such as pandan and ube flavorings (intriguing) or by topping them with slices of cheese (yup thats what these had) or salted duck eggs
I liked their fluffy not so sweet flavor bur the little one was not a big fan lol it was hard to take a pic of this energy filled kiddo but i kida got it...
Have you tried them?
I do recomend If you see them, they are worth the try and let me know what you think

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